The JWST/NIRSpec view of the nuclear region in the prototypical 3월 25, 2025ilikeafricaresearchActiveGalacticNuclei, ActiveGalaxies, Astronomy, Astronomy_Astrophysics, BayesianDeepLearning, galaxies의합병, mergersinethevolutionofgalaxies, 은하, 천문학, 천체물리학 The JWST/NIRSpec view of the nuclear region in the prototypical
Spitzer Observations of Red Galaxies: 3월 25, 2025ilikeafricaresearchActiveGalaxies, Astronomy_Astrophysics, BayesianDeepLearning, HighRedshiftRadioGalaxy, InfraredAstronomy, StellarPopulations, 은하, 재분비, 적외선, 천체물리학 Spitzer Observations of Red Galaxies: