COVID-19: Brazil’s irresponsible economic and social policies put millions of lives at risk, UN experts say (ReportID: 3625744)

[원문] GENEVA (29 April 2020) – Two UN human rights experts said Brazil should immediately drop misguided austerity policies that are endangering lives and increase spending to combat inequality and poverty exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. [번역] 게네바 (2020년 4월 29일) – 두 명의 유엔 인권 전문가는 브라질이 생명을 위협하는 잘못된 저축 정책을 즉시 폐지해야 […]

Urgent measures needed to prevent COVID-19 spread in penitentiary institutions – Head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine [EN/AR/RU] (ReportID: 3626049)

[원문] KYIV, 29 April 2020 – As the first cases of COVID-19 infection in penitentiary institutions are being reported, the Head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, Matilda Bogner, calls upon the Government of Ukraine to ensure that measures are taken to protect people in detention. [번역] 카이브, 2020년 4월 29일 – […]

Locusts, floods and COVID-19: a potentially deadly combination for malnourished children across the Horn of Africa (ReportID: 3626304)

[원문] Photos and video are availablehere [번역] 사진과 비디오는 여기 있습니다. [원문] A new wave of locust lands on farmland near Hargeisa, Somaliland on 20th April 2020. More photos and video are available here. [번역] 20월 20일, 소말라델라의 하게이사 근처 농지에서 벌레지의 새로운 파도가 일어났습니다. 더 많은 사진과 영상이 여기 있습니다. [원문] The return of […]

COVID-19 and The Rights of Persons with Disabilities (29 April 2020) (ReportID: 3626799)

[원문] OVERVIEW [번역] 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. […]

COVID-19: More than seven million children in Afghanistan at risk of hunger as food prices soar due to lockdown (ReportID: 3626884)

[원문] A third of the country will face food shortages, warns Save the Children [번역] 3분의 1의 인구가 식량 부족에 직면할 것으로 확신합니다. Save the Children [원문] KABUL, May 1 — At a time when Afghan children need adequate daily nutrition to help strengthen their immune systems, the price of basic foods is rising under […]