Urgent measures needed to prevent COVID-19 spread in penitentiary institutions – Head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine [EN/AR/RU] (ReportID: 3626049)

[원문] KYIV, 29 April 2020 – As the first cases of COVID-19 infection in penitentiary institutions are being reported, the Head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, Matilda Bogner, calls upon the Government of Ukraine to ensure that measures are taken to protect people in detention. [번역] 카이브, 2020년 4월 29일 – […]

Locusts, floods and COVID-19: a potentially deadly combination for malnourished children across the Horn of Africa (ReportID: 3626304)

[원문] Photos and video are availablehere [번역] 사진과 비디오는 여기 있습니다. [원문] A new wave of locust lands on farmland near Hargeisa, Somaliland on 20th April 2020. More photos and video are available here. [번역] 20월 20일, 소말라델라의 하게이사 근처 농지에서 벌레지의 새로운 파도가 일어났습니다. 더 많은 사진과 영상이 여기 있습니다. [원문] The return of […]

COVID-19 and The Rights of Persons with Disabilities (29 April 2020) (ReportID: 3626799)

[원문] OVERVIEW [번역] 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. 좋아요. […]

Israel Again Blocks Gaza Aid, Further Risking Lives

Palestinians Deliberately Deprived of Food, Water, and Other Necessities nikujafarnia Share this via Facebook Share this via X More sharing options Since March 2, 2025, the Israeli government has again blocked all aid entering Gaza, including fuel, in flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. Officials working with Gaza’s Coastal Municipalities Water Utility (CMWU) told Human […]

Testimony to the Japanese Nonpartisan Parliamentary Association for Reconsidering Human Rights Diplomacy session on Uyghur returnees

Share this via Facebook Share this via X More sharing options Good morning, distinguished members of Parliament. My name is Yalkun Uluyol. Thank you for inviting me to this important session of the cross-party parliamentary league for human rights diplomacy. I am here on behalf of Human Rights Watch, where I serve as a researcher […]

The State of Women’s Rights

Demonstrators carry signs during The People’s March ahead of the 60th presidential inauguration in Washington, DC, US, January 18, 2025.© 2025 Tierney L. Cross/Bloomberg via Getty Images What went right in terms of women’s rights last year? There are countries that lifted restrictions on women’s rights and have moved—albeit slowly—towards gender equality. You have Poland, […]

Hurricane Fiona: Responding Where the Rivers Met the Sea

[원문] Trauma from Hurricane Maria still haunts many in Puerto Rico. Communities inundated in southern Puerto Rico by Fiona are still recovering from the impacts of multiple storms. [번역] 허리케인 마리아의 외상은 아직도 푸에르토리코에서 많은 사람들을 괴롭히고 있습니다. 피오나가 푸에르토리코 남부에 물에 휩싸인 지역은 여전히 여러 폭풍의 영향으로부터 회복하고 있습니다. [원문] September 2022 marked the […]

We Went Up to the Mountains: The Return of Displaced Girls in Sinjar

[원문] It’s Monday afternoon and the school bell announces the end of another lesson. The girls funnel out of their classrooms and fill the hallways. The patter of black shoes and children’s laughter rings around the corridors and out towards the playground. This could be any school in any town; but these girls, many of […]

The H2H Network activates its fund mechanism to accelerate humanitarian innovation

[원문] Humanitarian needs have never been higher. Innovation is essential, both to meet today’s challenges and to prepare for those on the horizon. The H2H (humanitarian-to-humanitarian) Network has activated its fund mechanism to support members in developing new services aiming at unlocking change and driving improvements across the wider humanitarian system. Over the next four […]

Israel Imports Gaza Abuses into the West Bank

This week, Israeli tanks rolled into the occupied West Bank for the first time in two decades as Israeli forces intensify their operations there. Focused on the northern West Bank, the campaign is already the longest and most intense there since the Second Intifada in the early 2000s. The Israeli military has for weeks conducted […]

Urgent measures needed to prevent COVID-19 spread in penitentiary institutions – Head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine [EN/AR/RU]

[원문] KYIV, 29 April 2020 – As the first cases of COVID-19 infection in penitentiary institutions are being reported, the Head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, Matilda Bogner, calls upon the Government of Ukraine to ensure that measures are taken to protect people in detention. [번역] 카이브, 2020년 4월 29일 – […]

Locusts, floods and COVID-19: a potentially deadly combination for malnourished children across the Horn of Africa

[원문] Photos and video are availablehere [번역] 사진과 비디오는 여기 있습니다. [원문] A new wave of locust lands on farmland near Hargeisa, Somaliland on 20th April 2020. More photos and video are available here. [번역] 20월 20일, 소말라델라의 하게이사 근처 농지에서 벌레지의 새로운 파도가 일어났습니다. 더 많은 사진과 영상이 여기 있습니다. [원문] The return of […]

COVID-19 and The Rights of Persons with Disabilities (29 April 2020)

[원문] While the COVID-19 pandemic threatens all members of society, persons with disabilities are disproportionately impacted due to attitudinal, environmental and institutional barriers that are reproduced in the COVID-19 response. [번역] COVID-19 전염병은 모든 사회 구성원들에게 위협을 가하고 있지만, 장애가 있는 사람들은 행동, 환경, 그리고 제도적 장애들 때문에 불균형적으로 영향을 받습니다. [원문] Many persons with […]

High Commissioner updates the Human Rights Council on Mariupol, Ukraine (16 June 2022)

[원문] DELIVERED BY Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human RightsAT 50th Session of the Human Rights Council [번역] UN인권事务 장관인 미셸 바셀레트가 인권理事会 50번째 회의에서 발표했습니다. [원문] Distinguished President,Excellencies, [번역] 존경하는 대통령, Excellencies, [원문] Further to Human Rights Council resolution S-34/1 adopted at its 34th Special Session, I present you with an oral update […]

New Declaration to better protect children in conflict is a ‘milestone achievement’ – Save the Children

[원문] 17 June 2022, Geneva- Save the Children welcomes thenewsthat multiple countries will endorse the text of an Irish-led political declaration aimed at strengthening the protection of civilians from the use of explosive weapons in towns, cities and other populated areas. [번역] 2022년 6월 17일, 제네바- Save the Children는 많은 나라들이 아일랜드가 주도하는 정치적 선언을 […]

The Charm of K-Art 전시회 개최

2024년 한국주간행사의 일환으로 8.27-9.6(토, 일 제외)간 아일랜드 건축기록원(Irish Architectural Archive)에서 ‘The Charm of K-Art’ 전시회가 개최될 예정입니다. 전시 기간 동안 많이들 오셔서 다양한 장르(선묵화, 자수, 한국화, 목판화, 도예, 서양화)의 한국인 예술가 작품들 감상하시기 바랍니다. 또한, K-Art의 매력이 잘 홍보될 수 있도록 주변 현지인들과도 전시 소식 많이 공유해 주시기 바랍니다. 원본출처: https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/ie-ko/brd/m_8193/view.do?seq=1347348 Related Posts 재외동포청 웹진 […]